BB8 – An original conversion

Back around 2005, I had prototyped a remotely controlled ball. It was pretty simple: basically a modified skid-steer toy RC tank that fit in the palm of your hand. I added big brass angled wheels for ballast, and then installed […]

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Le Robot de Renaissance

This particular robot was transported from a distant future all the way to the distant past of this Renaissance faire. Will wonders never cease? One thing robots particularly enjoy is axe throwing as we discovered. This particular robot also featured […]

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We’d just watched kickass the movie. If you haven’t seen it, you should! It inspired the jetpacks and twin motorized articulated functional nerf dart gatling guns. ta daa! My friend Sherry dressed up as Uptown Charlotte’s esteemed “The Firebird” by […]

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Unicorn Rocket

Furry unicorn hooves, a unicorn horn, and a rainbow dipped body. Farewell colorful rocket! There were actually a few versions made of this one- we were originally just looking for excuses to try out paint dipping and happened to have […]

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Cymbal Monkey

Costumes for D are generally a function of what mood she’s in these days. Her 2nd halloween she was an exciteable little monkey, so with the addition of some zills and a fur suit, a cymbal monkey was the easy […]

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Peter Pan

Heres a thing to start a category Just another random Tuesday. We watched peter pan in the morning, ended up making her a costume in the afternoon. This one’s also compatible with her jumping harness, of course!

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Baby Party Helmet

Ok, I don’t have this one well-documented but I’ve got a few early pics. Also, Del’s participation was only in the form of testing and evaluation, but surely a critical element of the puzzle. Basically I took one of her […]

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Remote (Sushi) mower!

This one was prompted by somebody on giving away a “broken” electric lawnmower. I promptly picked it up, and found it was primarily just the handle assembly that was broken. The battery wasn’t very good either but neither of […]

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Driveway pool

It took me a while to purchase my first house but when I saw it- it was a bulls eye (ok, I could use a bigger front porch..). Great little “secret” neighborhood 5 minutes from uptown but far enough to […]

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