TIG-Cast recycled aluminum hat-stamp

My travel collectible is hats- generally everyday ballcap style hats that I wear daily- bonus points for unique features/materials but generally practical, neat hats from around the world/country. I have a majority of US states, and a long list of […]

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DJI Mini2 Dropper mod

I love this mod for a number of reasons, chief among them is that its a bit of a triumph of coding for me personally, although I did cut & paste some of the value averaging this whole program was […]

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Gravity Battery!

Long story short, I ended up crossing paths with Charlotte is Creative recently and that ultimately led to a conversation with a Charlotte artist for which I agreed to co-pitch a fairly improvisational art installation grant with- mostly because it […]

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Pneumatic Minnow

So this project followed an improvisational demo of buoyancy vs. pressure after noticing a “toy” pipette in a chemistry set D had received and weighing it down a bit with a coil of solder. I rememer a cereal toy tony […]

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Backyard Oasis

Although I’ve acclimated to Charlotte pretty well over the years, I’m originally from Chicago, and the summer heat here is something I’d be glad to avoid. Having said that, I also hate cold water. Consequently we were grateful for a […]

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Balloon Glider

Inspired by our previous, fairly epic failure, we decided to embark on a more dramatic failure since it will be a few years before we have the opportunity to capture a total eclipse from the air again. This time around […]

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