
This simple project ended up being a great way to learn about superhydrophobic materials (and hydrophillic). Basically, we just seized the opportunity to practice some simple CAD and build a small simple maze from lines and curves. Then we printed […]

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Gravity Battery!

Long story short, I ended up crossing paths with Charlotte is Creative recently and that ultimately led to a conversation with a Charlotte artist for which I agreed to co-pitch a fairly improvisational art installation grant with- mostly because it […]

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Pneumatic Minnow

So this project followed an improvisational demo of buoyancy vs. pressure after noticing a “toy” pipette in a chemistry set D had received and weighing it down a bit with a coil of solder. I rememer a cereal toy tony […]

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Yesterday I happened across a link illustrating what is essentially a selfie stick attached to a motor (for the sake of the bearings only) attached to an external camera that is free to rotate around the drone . I thought […]

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This one is pretty standard and D does a pretty good job walking us thorough, so I’ll just leave it at that for now except to divulge the component heavy payload since it’s generally missing from photos: Arduino’s, Potentiometers, Test […]

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Wyatt’s bike cart was a rare unicorn of a project in that I had previously built up a similar but more beat up Schwinn trailer nearly identical to this one. Eventually it fell apart for various reasons but I pack-ratted […]

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Wyatt Cart

Wyatt’s pull cart

Obviously this was a quickie but also probably more accessible for anyone else in a similar predicament. You don’t really need much other than a few small hand tool, some spacer material and a rigid platform of whatever length you […]

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