Stranger Lights

If I searched hard enough I’m sure I could find some duplication of many/most of my projects (especially involving pop culture), but I strive to deliver primarily original content here. Still- when I set out to build some stranger things […]

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This one’s pretty easy, or at least it can be depending on how devoted you feel like being to the details. In a nutshell, we put a lithium battery extracted from an E-cigarette into a wooden dowel and ran some […]

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Squirrel Soaker

This is just another example of us recycling/repurposing the random projects we have lying around the house. We’ve enjoyed the close up bird & critter watching this handy feeder provides, but lately the squirrels have ratcheted up their efforts to […]

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Microscope stuff

It’s always exciting when Delilah opts for Microscope over TV- this particular expedition we (Delilah, myself, and her Camel, “Saul”)were hunting Tardigrades- a fascinating little creature (also called Water bears) with a penchant for survival. I’m going to regurgitate what […]

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This one looks easy and it is- I almost skipped posting it but as a project that totally can be done for less than $5, and in 5 minutes this hits the bullseye. Also, as fun and basic as it […]

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Dry Ice fun

Dry ice is frozen Carbon Dioxide- its very cold and pretty fun. You shouldn’t really touch it with your bare hands especially if your hands are wet because you could get frostbite if it sticks and has enough time to […]

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Pneumatic Hand

Today was just your average day around the house, and an old friend requested a birthday greeting for another, so we whipped up this little fluid dynamics demonstrator. Pretty timely what with the Covid19 and all. Well, as it turns […]

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Fluidized Sandbox

Most experiments we do here start out with some known property, or material, or existing experiment, or whatever inspiration- rarely do I follow instructions and just duplicate a thing, but this is probably as close as I’ve come so far. […]

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