

Yesterday I happened across a link illustrating what is essentially a selfie stick attached to a motor (for the sake of the bearings only) attached to an external camera that is free to rotate around the drone . I thought […]

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This one is pretty standard and D does a pretty good job walking us thorough, so I’ll just leave it at that for now except to divulge the component heavy payload since it’s generally missing from photos: Arduino’s, Potentiometers, Test […]

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Wyatt’s Grand tour

So, you may have noticed the last three updates (door, cart, bikecart) are Wyatt projects. We’ve been having too much fun building lately to keep up with documenting too much. I mean we have the media but actually compiling it […]

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Wyatt’s bike cart was a rare unicorn of a project in that I had previously built up a similar but more beat up Schwinn trailer nearly identical to this one. Eventually it fell apart for various reasons but I pack-ratted […]

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Wyatt Cart

Wyatt’s pull cart

Obviously this was a quickie but also probably more accessible for anyone else in a similar predicament. You don’t really need much other than a few small hand tool, some spacer material and a rigid platform of whatever length you […]

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Mad Eye Moody & Snitch

Another consequence of housecleaning this week was rediscovery of the “Mad Eye” I made just prior to Delilah’s birth at Halloween 2016. Team Amanda & Delilah made a great “Golden Snitch” costume that fit right into the pregnancy. This particular […]

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Colors are a little tricky. You’ve seen those filters at the average kids museum that illustrates that yellow and blue make green by overlaying acrylic shapes, but in that example you’re just filtering white light and so reducing the output. […]

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